TBI / Concussion / Post-concussion syndrome Rehab

Finding yourself on a concussion journey is not easy to say the very, very least.

My own journey began in 2017 after sustaining a head injury while stand up paddle surfing in Tofino. The following 2 years, I experienced a total of 4 more mild TBIs from multiple motor-vehicle accidents and other sports. My journey with concussion didn’t stop there. As a Kinesiologist and healthcare practitioner I began working with and treating more and more clients dealing with varying levels of TBI and PCS symptoms. Finally, and most recently, I was unexpectedly thrown into the world of being a caregiver for loved-one who sustained a severe brain injury in late 2020.

When I say I my understanding is personal and next level, I’m not just saying that.

Thankfully the past has opened up new doors of knowledge, understanding and opportunity not only to help myself and my loved ones recovery, but to also help others and to hopefully one day help YOU!


you are not alone

If you are looking for help with your post-concussion journey including help with:

  • Neuromuscular facilitation, corrective exercise, posture, coordination, strength, endurance or mobility

  • Cervical spine and core stability

  • Central nervous system regulation

  • Activities of daily living (ADLs) - lifting, carrying, driving, shopping, cooking, cleaning

  • Hand-eye coordination, balance or proprioception (where your body is in space)

  • Cognitive Issues including: fatigue, decreased body awareness, low motivation, anxiety, depression or isolation

  • Breathing mechanics, mindfulness or meditation


    If you have questions about recovery and how to find the right practitioner for you.

Contact Us


Book a session with Ally

You are more resilient than you know!